Friday, November 15, 2024

Mengenal Jenis – Jenis Tinta Digital Printing


Apa tinta itu ?

Tinta adalah cairan yang diberi zat pewarna (Pigment) yang bertujuan supaya warna bisa direpresentasikan ke sebuah media (man made) yang bisa menerima atau mengikat cairan tersebut sehingga memberi warna pada media tersebut.

Komponen dalam tinta

Tinta dibuat dari campuran beberapa komponen antara lain pelarut, pigmen, lemak, cairan resin dan beberapa senyawa kimia lain yang berfungsi untuk mengatur kekentalan, ketebalan tinta serta penampilan tinta setelah kering.

Jenis Tinta Digital Printing

Dalam digital printing kita akan mengenal :

  1. Waterbased ink (tinta yang pelarutnya dari air/berbasis air) lebih dipakai untuk aplikasi Indoor
  2. Solvent Based ink (tinta yang pelarutnya dari minyak/berbasis solvent) banyak untuk dipakai untuk aplikasi Outdoor

Kedua jenis ini masing – masing masih ada turunan jenis tinta lagi yang biasa dipakai dalam digital printing.

Macam Tinta Sesuai Jenis Pelarut

Waterbased Ink :

  1. Dye Ink
  2. Pigment Ink
  3. Sublimation Ink
  4. UV Ink
  5. Latex Ink

Solventbased Ink :

  1. Solvent Ink
  2. Eco-Solvent Ink


Adalah jenis tinta waterbased yang paling banyak digunakan, memiliki komposisi air (kandungan airnya lebih banyak) dan pigment (zat warna) serta senyawa kimia lain.

Tinta jenis ini digunakan untuk printer – printer desktop yang sering kita pakai untuk cetak dokumen, foto dll. Dan media yang dipakai pun sangat umum. Hampir semua jenis kertas dokumen bisa terima.

Ciri/karakter tinta jenis ini :

  • Tidak tahan air
  • Tidak tahan sinar UV
  • Tidak tahan gores
  • Harus dilaminasi
  • Hanya untuk media berunsur kertas
  • Umur yang pendek (3 bulan indoor)

Adalah jenis tinta waterbased yang memiliki komposisi air (kandungan airnya tidak banyak), kandungan pigment (zat warna) lebih banyak serta senyawa kimia lain. Sehingga warna dari tinta jenis ini lebih terang dan lebih tajam daripada tinta Dye.

Tinta jenis ini banyak digunakan untuk cetak foto dan media yang dipakai hampir sama dengan Dye ink

Ciri/karakter tinta jenis ini :

  • Tahan air
  • Tahan sinar UV
  • Tidak tahan gores
  • Harus laminasi
  • Hanya untuk media berunsur kertas
  • Umur lebih panjang (6 bulan indoor)

Adalah jenis tinta waterbased yang memiliki komposisi air (kandungan airnya tidak banyak), pigment (zat warna), minyak serta senyawa kimia lain. Tinta jenis ini akan beraksi terhadap panas.

Tinta jenis ini banyak digunakan untuk sablon kaos. Yang mana dibutuhkan kertas seperti HVS atau kertas sublim sebagai perantara transfer ke media/kain (umumnya kain yang mengandung 30% polyester)

Ciri/karakter tinta jenis ini :

  • Lebih tahan air
  • Lebih tahan sinar UV
  • Hanya untuk media berunsur kertas
  • Membutuhkan panas untuk pengaplikasian
Contoh Aplikasi Tinta Sublim







Adalah jenis tinta yang juga masuk kategori waterbased karena memiliki komposisi air (kandungan airnya tidak banyak), pigment (zat warna) serta senyawa kimia lain yang bereaksi terhadap sinar UV. Jadi jenis tinta ini harus menggunakan sinar ultraviolet saat proses cetak.

Tinta jenis ini bisa digunakan untuk cetak di media keras/rigid seperti kayu, acrylic dll.

Ciri/karakter tinta jenis ini :

  • Instant dry (tinta yang langsung kering)
  • Ramah lingkungan
  • Tahan air
  • Tahan gores
  • Tidak perlu laminasi
  • Aplikasi beragam, karena hampir bisa disemua media, baik flexible atau rigid, bisa indoor dan outdoor
  • Hasil cetak yang bertekstur
Contoh Aplikasi Tinta UV


Adalah jenis tinta yang juga masuk kategori waterbased karena memiliki komposisi air (kandungan airnya tidak banyak), pigment (zat warna) serta senyawa kimia lain, salah satunya adalah partikel Latex yang akan bereaksi terhadap panas.

Tinta Latex adalah tinta yang berbeda dengan tinta-tinta waterbased lain yang mana ada satu tinta yang berfungsi sebagai cairan pengikat tinta sehingga tinta Latex bisa diaplikasikan ke hampir semua media.

Ciri/karakter tinta jenis ini :

  • Instant dry
  • Ramah lingkungan
  • Tahan air
  • Tahan gores
  • Tahan sinar UV
  • Tidak perlu laminasi
  • Aplikasi beragam karena hampir bisa disemua media baik flexible atau rigid, dan bisa untuk indoor dan outdoor
Contoh Aplikasi Latex


Solvent adalah salah satu turunan dari minyak bumi yang sudah dicampur dengan zat-zat lain, Yang mana salah satu penggunaannya untuk bahan dasar campuran tinta, karena memiliki beberapa sifat pelarut yang baik.

Unsur dari tinta solvent adalah Solvent + Pigment + senyawa kimia lain.

Ciri/karakter tinta jenis ini :

  • Berbau tajam
  • Tahan cuaca
  • Tahan sinar UV
  • Tidak ramah lingkungan
  • Berwarna tajam cenderung gloss
  • Penggunaan untuk aplikasi outdoor
Contoh Aplikasi Tinta Solvent


Tinta ini masuk kategori tinta solvent based karena mengandung masih solvent. Unsur tinta ini adalah solvent, air, pigment dan senyawa kimia lain.

Ciri/karakter tinta ini :

  • Tidak berbau tajam
  • Tidak tahan cuaca
  • Tidak tahan sinar UV
  • Tidak ramah lingkungan
  • Berwarna tajam cenderung gloss
  • Untuk aplikasi indoor
Contoh Aplikasi Tinta Eco-Solvent


Demikian jenis-jenis tinta yang umum ada di digital printing, seiring perkembangan teknologi mesin industri digital printing akan ada juga jenis penamaan atau percampuran tinta baru akan tetapi secara basic sumber senyawa tinta/zat percampuran tidak jauh dari pemaparan diatas.


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Varnishing, Flocking, Laminating, Numbering, Stamping - Finishing Printed Materials

After an image has been transferred to a substrate, it is sometimes coated or varnished. The coating becomes a clear protective surface. Usually, the coating makes the surface resistant to moisture and scuffing.
Glossy restaurant menus, annual report covers, and similar products are typical examples of varnishing. The coating materials vary but some of the latest coatings are epoxies that give excellent wear qualities.
Total area coverage can be accomplished by various processes but a planographic press can be used when the dampeners are removed. Letterpress and screen processes can also be used for specific varnishing jobs.
Whenever the surface of a printed package, T-shirt, or greeting card is fuzzy, the inked surface has been covered with cloth fibers. This called flocking.
The fibers are attached into the ink while the ink is still wet. For example, some wall coverings use this technique to give an unusual texture.
This is a highly specialized finishing process. It is NOT commonly found in the graphic communications industry.
Laminating is the bonding of two or more material together to become one common unit. If you have attended a conference or convention where graphic communications suppliers have booths, the suppliers of laminators might ask you for your business card. The card will be laminated in plastic. In this case, the card often becomes the identification tag for luggage.
Many of today's restaurant menus also use this process as a protective surface to prevent rapid wear and destruction of the paper.
The process of consecutively placing a number or skip placing of figures (numbers) in forward or backward order is called numbering.
The figures are transferred from the inked relief image onto the stock, usually paper. The plunger is automatically depressed by the press to ratchet the numbering head. This permits forward or backward numbering, each impression changes to a different figure or digit. See Figure 6-31.
Various types of numbering machines are available. They are used when sequenced numbers are needed on product. Personal and payroll checks are numbered in sequence, for example.
Often, the numbering machine is set to start on the maximum amount. When printed, the last figure will be number one. This prevents an overrun and places the tickets, forms, or other numbered materials in the right order. Numbered tickets or gate passes would be good example of sequential numbering. See Figure 6-32.
These are examples of different numbering methods.
Goldstamping is the term commonly used for stamping foil onto a substrate. Gold or simulated gold is commonly used as a stamping material. However, silver and some other colors are also available as hot stamping materials.
Stamping is an image transfer process closely associated with the relief process. Letterpress images, are placed between two jaws which tighten, Figure 6-33, and hold the type characters. The clamping device is heated. Before the image comes in contact with the substrate, a coated foil is placed between the type characters and the substrate. The heated type characters are then depressed. The heat and pressure transfers the image to the substrate. The proper image transfer depends on the amount of heat, the pressure applied, and the dwell time the type characters are in contact with the foil and substrate.
This is an example of a hand-operated stamping press. It is for low production quantities.
Usually, the relief images are brass or a service type. Service type is more durable and will withstand the heat and pressure longer.
In a production situation, the stamping unit is automated but it can also be a hand-operated process. Some production facilities have platen presses which have been modified for the hot stamping process.

Paper Handling

Not only must paper be handled carefully during shipment but it must able be handled carefully in the plant.
Paper must be brought to pressroom temperature before opening so that it does not curl due to the gain or loss of moisture. Paper should remain tightly wrapped until it is ready for the press, and it should be wrapped tightly after printing to keep the press sheets from developing tight wavy edges.
An instrument called a hygroscope is used to measure the moisture content of a pile of paper relative the humidity of the pressroom. Readings from a hygroscope help the press crew to determine if paper conditioning is necessary.
Figure 5-7 shows the guidelines for decision on printing sheetfed paper, assuming paper at 45% R.H.
Guidelines for decision on printing sheetfed paper, assuming paper at 45% R.H.
Temperature conditioning Temperature conditioning means that the paper is not unwrapped until it reaches the same temperature as the pressroom where it will be used.
In some printing plants, paper is stored in the pressroom. Consequently, it is pressroom temperature when it goes to press. Because the paper is stored in the pressroom, temperature conditioning is unnecessary. In other plants, however, paper is kept in a warehouse or separate storage area. Paper is brought to the pressroom only as needed. Temperature conditioning is necessary because the temperature of the storage room is usually different from that of the pressroom (Figure 5-8).
A temperature difference chart for paper (metric units)
Temperature changes, which occur when paper a cold warehouse or truck is delivered to a warm pressroom, cause trouble even if the paper is wrapped and sealed to protect it from humidity changes. When cold paper is unwrapped in the pressroom, moisture condenses on the edges of the paper. As a result, the exposed to as wavy-edged paper.
If the temperature of the paper is higher than the temperature of the pressroom when unwrapped, the surrounding air becomes warmer and its relative humidity is lowered. The paper's exposed edges will lose moisture to the atmosphere and shrink; the paper is often referred to as tight-edged paper.
Chilling the air with an air cooling unit dries the air and creates tight edges in the paper. Air conditioning requires control of both temperature and humidity.
Air conditioning paper is manufactured so that it stays flat and does not develop conditioned pressroom greatly reduces moisture problems. If the pressroom R. H. (and temperature) is kept at a constant level, the printer can order paper that is in reasonable balance with a specified relative humidity.
The R.H. of most paper manufactured in the United States and Canada is in the range of 35%~50%. The R.H. of an air-conditioned pressroom should be maintained at a selected value within this range.
Paper with an R.H. 5%~8% higher than the pressroom R.H. is desirable for highquality, close-register printing that requires more than one pass through the press. Paper with this R.H. loses moisture to the pressroom atmosphere at about the same rate that it picks up moisture from the press, assuming that the pressroom R.H. is controlled. Since moisture change is minimal between successive printings, the printing of tight-register work is more easily accomplished.
Paper cannot be produced to meet the R.H. requirements of pressrooms in which the R.H. and temperature are not controlled. Papermakers produce papers that meet the R.H. conditions of the average pressroom. If the pressroom is not temperature-and humidity-controlled, the paper should still be temperature-conditioned.
Storage To ensure that paper is received in proper condition, all deliveries should be checked upon arrival. Wrappings or cartons having minor tears should be repaired. Skids with punctures, tears, or breaks in the protective wrapping should be rejected. The delivery should note the damage on the way bill and initial it. Printers should photograph damaged skids and cartons before they are removed from trucks or railroad box cars. The photograph acts as proof of the paper condition upon arrival. In addition top protecting the printer, the photograph helps the papermill track down the causes of damaged paper. If paper wrappings must be removed for sampling or testing purposes, the wrapped paper should be brought into temperature balance before opening and then rewrapped immediately. Careful handling of paper minimizes unloading damage.
Ideal warehouse and storage conditions minimize the movement and rehandling of paper from the time it is received by the printer until it arrives at the press. Each time paper is moved, either to gain access to other skids of paper or to be transported to the press, the likelihood of handling damage is increased.
Paper must not contact concrete or damp basement floors. The moisture damages and distorts the paper. Consequently, platforms or racks that elevate the paper above the floor are recommended. Papers should be stored away from any object (such as a radiator) that heats the paper, but warehouses should be heated in winter.
After paper is printed, protective, protective plastic covers should be placed tightly over the pile to minimize changes in R.H. Figure 5-9.
Proper storage for paper, raised on a skid with a plastic cover

Paper Weight And Thickness

Gsm and Micron have no direct correlation. You can’t  just convert 1 into another. GSM is weight and micron is thickness. We have measured some of our most popular card stocks.

115gsm = 90 micron
150gsm = 140 micron
160gsm recycled = 180 micron
235gsm (greetings card) = 355 micron
300gsm = 290 micron
300gsm recycled = 340 micron
400gsm = 420 micron

2 men both weigh 85kg each. One man is tall and THIN. The other short and FAT.
2 pieces of paper both weight 180gsm. One is thin. The other is thick.

The most asked question. What is ***gsm in micron? or How many Micron is ***gsm.
What you are actually asking is how thick is 3kg? or How much does 10cm weigh.

Paper Weight – What is GSM

Paper weight and thickness, let’s start with GSM – paper weight.  GSM stands for Grams Per Square Meter,  a measurement used to identify the weight of different types of paper and card. The higher the value of GSM, the heavier card or piece of paper. So a 1msq 400gsm board weighs 400 grams.
 So, the difference between our 300gsm Cheap Business Cards and our 400gsm Premium Business Cards is simply, the weight of the card. Similarly, a 120gsm letterhead is bulkier than a 90gsm letterhead. A heavier card or piece of paper contributes to a more premium feel and lasting effect with your customers.

Definition of Micron – The Thickness of Paper.

Card thickness or calliper is traditionally measured in Microns.
1000 Microns = 1mm, so the higher the value, the thicker the card or paper.  
Usually paper or card is sold by weight as opposed to thickness, but sometimes you may see Microns instead. Thickness of card sold usually starts at around 200 microns, and finishes at around 500 microns.
 Micron and GSM – are they linked?
Yes and no. It depends on the type of material used.
 Many people confuse paper weight with paper thickness! You could have a situation whereby two 150gsm papers weight the same, But one could be a thick vellum paper containing air and bulk and the other could be calendared a process that involves compressing the paper with high pressure rollers. Both are classified as 150gsm paper stock, but look and feel very different.
 1000 micron waterproof PVC material used for banners, has a different weight to 1000 micron silk paper, and therefore has a different Gramme Per Square Meter. When checking between prices for different print products, it is therefore important you look at the type of material, GSM and micron to get an exact comparison.
Sometimes you may also see the term ‘sheets’ advertised, where thickness of card refers to how many typical sheets thick it is. 

The Thickness of Printing Paper List

Posted on 09-05-2013 by admin
80gsm art paper0.065105gsm matt coated paper0.09
105gsm art paper0.085128gsm matt coated paper0.12
128gsm art paper0.105157gsm matt coated paper0.16
157gsm art paper0.135200gsm matt coated paper0.19
200gsm art paper0.17210gsm matt coated paper0.21
210gsm art paper0.19230gsm matt coated paper0.23
230gsm art paper0.21250gsm matt coated paper0.25
250gsm art paper0.23300gsm matt coated paper0.34-0.35
300gsm art paper0.305350gsm matt coated paper0.365
350gsm art paper0.34560gsm matt coated paper0.06
400gsm art paper0.41  
60gsm bond paper0.08210gsm signle side coated board0.2
70gsm bond paper0.09230gsm signle side coated board0.295
80gsm bond paper0.1250gsm signle side coated board0.32
100gsm bond paper0.12300gsm signle side coated board0.425
120gsm bond paper0.135350gsm signle side coated board0.46
140gsm bond paper0.16400gsm signle side coated board0.54
180gsm bond paper0.19  
  250gsm ivory board0.31
  300gsm ivory board0.32
250gsm grey back MC board0.295350gsm ivory board0.49
300gsm grey back MC board0.37  
400gsm grey back MC board0.48100gsm Munken 
450gsm grey back MC board0.55115gsm Munken0.15
210gsm C1S art board0.26230gsm C1S art board0.28
250gsm C1S art board0.325280gsm C1S art board0.36
300gsm C1S art board0.40350gsm C1S art board0.48

300gsm grey board0.45400gsm grey board0.6
467gsm grey board0.7533gsm grey board0.8
600gsm grey board0.9645gsm grey board1
714gsm grey board1.1779gsm grey board1.2
844gsm grey board1.3909gsm grey board1.4
974gsm grey board1.51039gsm grey board1.6
1104gsm grey board1.71169gsm grey board1.8
1234gsm grey board1.91299gsm grey board2
1364gsm grey board2.11429gsm grey board2.2
1623gsm grey board2.51688gsm grey board2.6
1753gsm grey board2.71818gsm grey board2.8
1883gsm grey board2.91848gsm grey board3
2013gsm grey board3.12273gsm grey board3.5